
L'Albi Trott'Tour

Monday June 10
City of Albi 81000 Albi
The 7th edition of the Albi Trott'Tour will take place from June 10 to 14, 2024.
Organized by the SCA Supporters' Animation Committee in conjunction with Albi Town Hall, Albi Trott'Tour is back with five stages with online races and a team time trial, will be organized between Monday 12 and Friday June 16, bringing together two age categories: 10-11 year olds and 12-13 year olds.

Fairness requires, the scooters will be made available by the SCA animation committee with the big new features, a race on the karting track of the Albi circuit and another in and around the Stadium.

On Monday June 12, it is around the cathedral, rue du Castelviel and the Pont de la République that the young people will battle it out over a distance of 1500 meters. The next day, it's time for a test in the streets of the city center (rue Timbal, rue de l'Hôtel de Ville, rue Saint-Julien, etc.) of 1600 meters. On Wednesday June 14, the karting track will host a team time trial event. On Thursday, the young skaters will meet around Place du Vigan for a 1500 meter race. Finally, on Saturday, the last day, go to the Stadium for the 2200 meter race.

Departures will take place at 19 p.m., 18 p.m. for the time trial.

Source: La Dépêche du Midi


  • Cycling sports

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Opening hours from June 10 to June 14, 2024



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